Finished Hausfrau, I deserve a good book after getting to the end of this. Anna Benz is American and married to Bruno. With her husband and three kids she lives in Switzerland. She is friendless, struggles with the language, is not much liked by anyone, hasn't much interest in her children. Oh and eh yea she fucks anything, all the time.
Anna is like the whole cast of this book, completely unlikable. I don't what to say more about them as they will be forgotten once I finished this review. Just take my advice and don't read this book.
As much as the characters have flaws that is not the worse part of this book. As I have said previously debut novels are one of two things. Either exceptional, daring and downright mesmerising or full of its own self importance. This book as you can imagine falls into the latter.
There are whole sections of the book about the intricacies of the German language that may have be a subtle way to get the authors story across but fuck me it's just so vane. Like her pontificating through the voice of Anna's psychologist. If I want this kind of crap I will read Richard Bach or some other such narcissist. And don't get me started on her willingness to name every single place in Switzerland.
Don't write anything like this again please.